Polski Instytut Montessori
Early Childhood Education 2,5-6 years - online

Would you like to learn about Dr. Mari Montessori’s pedagogy and enrich your professional or parenting experience? Now you can achieve this without leaving your home!

Our innovative Early Childhood Education (2,5-6 years) course is a unique program designed for teachers and parents who would like to improve their competence in a professional setting, with the assistance of a qualified international Montessori trainer.

The course consists of four modules, that can be completed on their own or together.

After completing all four modules, participants will earn a Montessori Teacher’s Diploma.

Module I: Online lectures in Montessori theory.

  • Montessori philosophy and educational theory
  • Construction of a prepared environment
  • Observation as a basic tool of a Montessori teacher
  • Neurological brain development and its relevance to the education of the young child
  • Working with parents and building community in a Montessori facility
  • Opening a new facility, best practices
  • Educating for peace, and Montessori ways to resolve conflicts
  • Leading a teaching team during the first three years

Number of hours: 60 hours

Cost: 2000 zł

Module II

Online presentation of subjects in practical life, sensorial, mathematics, English language, culture

Every two weeks their is  opportunity to meet with qualified trainers online.

The number of hours: 40 hours of presentations

Cost: 4500 zł

Module III

Individual work professional student platform

During this module, participants will work through readings, and other selected texts/materials provided, builld language material.

The number of hours: 40 hours

Cost: 1000 zł

Every two weeks their is  opportunity to meet with qualified trainers online.

Module IV

Practice with Montessori materials.

Module IV consists of working with Montessori material.

Participants will receive specially forms to orgenized their work.

A participant with access to Montessori material can complete this module anywhere. On the other hand, a adult learner who does not have access to the material can complete this module in Warsaw, at our training center.

Required number of hours of work with the material: no less than 80 hours

Cost: 500 zł

Every two weeks their is  opportunity to meet with qualified trainers online.

Upon completion of all modules, there will be a written and oral exam.

Upon successful completion of the exam, adult learners will receive a Montessori Teacher’s Diploma.

Participants completing individual modules will receive a certificate of participation.

Koszt: 8 000.00 zł

Themes of Module I

  • Montessori philosophy and educational theory
  • Construction of a prepared environment
  • Observation as a basic tool of a Montessori teacher
  • Neurological brain development and its relevance to the education of the young child
  • Working with parents and building community in a Montessori facility
  • Opening a new facility, best practices
  • Educating for peace, and Montessori ways to resolve conflicts
  • Leading a teaching team during the first three years

Number of hours - 60

Date of meetings (18:30-20:30 pm): 26.10.2022; 8.11.2022; 17.11.2022; 30.11.2022; 6.12.2022

Koszt: 2 000.00 zł

Module II topics

  • Practical life
  • Sensorial
  • Mathematics
  • English language
  • Culture

Once each subject block is complete, there will be an opportunity for participants to consult with qualified trainers online.

The number of hours: 40 hours of presentations

Cost: 4500 zł

There is a possibility to pay in two payments– please add in the form in the comments your wish to pay in 2 payments.

Koszt: 4 500.00 zł

Module III

During this module, participants will work through readings, and other selected texts/materials provided. (ie. PowerPoint presentations for parents, language material based on the materials received).  

The number of hours - 40

Cost: 1000 zł

After completion of the module, participants will have a chance to consult with a qualified trainer online.

Koszt: 1 000.00 zł

Module IV is a complement to the theoretical subject learned in earlier modules and consists of working with Montessori material.

Participants will receive specially prepared forms to facilitate their work organization. A participant with access to Montessori material can complete this module anywhere. On the other hand, a adult learner who does not have access to the material will complete this module in Warsaw, at our training center.

Required number of hours of work with the material: no less than 80 hours.

Cost: 500 zł

Participants have the opportunity to have pre-examination consultations with a trainer online.

Koszt: 500.00 zł
Module I: Online lectures in Montessori theory
Koszt: 2 000.00 zł
Module II: Online presentation of subjects in practical life.
Koszt: 4 500.00 zł
Module III – Individual work under the supervision of a trainer on a professional student platform
Koszt: 1 000.00 zł
Module IV: Practice with Montessori materials.
Koszt: 500.00 zł
10 Najpopularniejszych
Dane do faktury

Polski Instytut Montessori
ul. Lwowska 11/3
00- 660 Warszawa


nip 5291752798
regon 141521190
Konto bankowe Santander Bank Polska nr 05109010560000000109765349
Ośrodek Szkoleniowy

Polski Instytut Montessori
ul. Kłosia 7 
02- 466 Warszawa

Nr wpisu do RIS: 2.14/00260/2022



✉ sekretariat.pim@montessori.info.pl

☎︎ 781 693 705  (pon.- pt. godz. 9-13)

Faktury i rozliczenia

✉ sekretariat.pim@montessori.info.pl

☎︎ 723 555 502 (pon.-pt. godz. 9-13)


✉ instytut.montessori@gmail.com

☎︎ 667 879 300 (pon.- pt. godz. 9-17)